In October 2023, 307,236 contracts were traded on DGCX with a value of USD 7 billion and an average Open Interest of 112,218.
307,236 contracts 112,218 average Open Interest
(October 2023)
USD 7 billion
total value of monthly traded
(October 2023)
In the nine months to end-October 2023, DGCX recorded year-on-year growth in the total volume and average daily volume of several G6 futures contracts compared to the same period in 2022.
• Swiss franc – Total volume increased by 21.50% (41,806 total volume) • Yen – Total volume increased by 8.96% (40,573 total volume)
DGCX launched on 27 October 2023 the GCC’s first Shariah Compliant Silver Spot Contracts (“DSSC”) after receiving approval from SCA. The new Contract offers investors the ability to invest in physical silver through an exchange in the GCC with the benefit of a central counterparty clearing house. DGCX has waived its fees for DSSC till 31 December 2023.
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