In April 2023, 468,943 contracts were traded on DGCX with a value of USD 9,667 million. In the first four months of 2023, 2,321,026 contracts were traded on DGCX with a value of USD 46,843.19 million. This compares to 2,280,277 contracts with a value of USD 46,252.52 million in the same period last year.
2,321,026 contracts 121,475 average open interest First four months
USD 46,843.19 million total value of monthly traded First four months
In the four months to end-April 2023, DGCX recorded significant year-on-year growth in the total volume traded of several G6 futures contracts compared to the same period in 2022.
Total volume traded (first four months 2023 vs. first four months 2022)
Euro-USD futures: 89.12%
Pound-USD futures: 93.69%
CHF-USD futures: 176.81%
Yen-USD futures: 138.06%
The total volume traded of the Indian Rupee Quanto contract also increased by 12.14% in the first four months of 2023, compared to the same period last year.
DGCX was delighted to meet with so many of its members at the annual Iftar hosted by its parent company, DMCC. More than 90 DGCX members attended on 4 April 2023.